Our History

Inspired by Cars and Coffee events in Irvine, CA, Indy Cars and Coffee was founded in 2008 by Mark Raza, Casey Szink, and Steve Davis. Over the years, with the vision and leadership of Brian Henry, the event grew from its humble beginnings to host thousands of attendees at locations all over Central Indiana.

We owe a debt of gratitude to our board members, volunteers, sponsors, hosts, and the amazing local car community. It has been a truly spectacular grassroots effort, and while the pandemic in 2020 presented challenges, we prevailed. Indianapolis Cars and Coffee, Inc filed as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, national non-profit in December 2020 to continue growth and further our mission for years to come.

Today, Indianapolis Cars and Coffee Inc is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, national non-profit charity. We are just 1 of 5 established Cars & Coffee non-profits in the U.s., and the only non-profit Cars & Coffee in Indiana.

Our Impact

Indianapolis Cars and Coffee Inc is committed to unifying auto enthusiasts and accelerating a positive impact in our community. We partner with local businesses and other mission-driven organizations to host car-related events around the Greater Indianapolis area that create a safe, memorable experience for all and provide revenue sources for our charity of choice.

We proudly donate proceeds from our revenue sources to Folds of Honor Indiana. In 2023, we raised over $60,000 for the organization.

As a 100% volunteer-based, national non-profit, our board members drive the organization and accelerate our impact.

Our People


Contact Us

Have a question or feedback for us? Let us know! If you’re looking to volunteer, visit this page.